Neverwinternights Cheats

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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Neverwinter Nights 2 for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a correction. Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition Cheats There are two methods of entering commands. The most common method is to press to bring up the console. Alternatively, you can use the chat window to enter commands.

Slowing the Spirit Eater corruption

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. This trick allows you to determine how fast the curse eats Spirit Points and give you penalties. Use a text editor to edit the 'global.xml' file in the 'my documentsneverwinter nights 2saves' directory. Locate the following lines:


Change '1.000000' to '0.500000'. This is the lowest valid value. Do not change the speed to a lower value or it may break the game. Right below this entry you will find the 'SEPoints' value. This is your current spirit points, and its maximum value is '100.000000'.

Enabling Shadow Portals

Use the 'rs ga_time_advance' code to advance time to enable the Shadow Portals that only work at night.

Cheat Codes

While playing the game, press ~ to display the console window. Type 'DebugMode 1' (case-sensitive) and press [Enter] to enable cheat mode. Then, type one of the following case-sensitive codes at the console window and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function. Note: For some international versions, hold [Shift] and quickly press ~ followed by ? to display the console window.

Neverwinter nights cheats pc
Result Cheat Code
God mode [Note 1]dm_god
20 in all stats, new sword, cannot levelirolltwenties
Gain indicated amount of gold [Note 2]dm_givegold [number]
Get indicated spellgivespell [number]
Change indicated amount of experience points; use negative number to remove experience points givexp [number]
Add indicated feat to selected charactergivefeat [feat number]
Spawn indicated itemgiveitem [item code]
Remove Soul Eater status [Note 3]rs ka_se_terminate
Give Soul Eater status [Note 3]rs ka_se_init
Get all Spirit Eater feats [Note 3]rs ka_se_feat_add_all
Set Charisma to indicated number on selected character SetCHA [number]
Set Constitution to indicated number on selected character SetCON [number]
Set Dexterity to indicated number on selected character SetDEX [number]
Set Strength to indicated number on selected character SetSTR [number]
Set Intelligence to indicated number on selected character SetINT [number]
Set Wisdom to indicated number on selected character SetWIS [number]
Use the camera with better scrollingdm_unlockcamera
Polymorph controlled character into different creature polymorph [number]
Remove the indicated featremovefeat [number]
De-level character if experience points is near 0 resetlevels
Move one point towards evil rs ga_alignment(-1,0)
Move one point towards chaos rs ga_alignment(-1,1)
Move one point towards good rs ga_alignment(1,0)
Move one point towards law rs ga_alignment(1,1)
Raise influence level for that companion rs ga_influence ([x,y])
Raise amount of party members you may have at once rs ga_party_limit([number])
Advance time by indicated amountrs ga_time_advance([hours,minutes,seconds,ms])
Simple influence editor in the form of a dialogue rs kr_influence
Return polymorphed controlled character to normal Unpolymorph

Neverwinter Nights Cheats Ps4

Note 1: Select each individual party member by right clicking on their portrait one at a time, and enter this code for each one. God mode is sometimes disabled after traveling to certain locations or after certain scripted sequences.

Note 2: Right click on a character first to give gold to that player.

Note 3: Setting spirit points to 100 can be done by first removing the soul eater affliction and then giving it back.

Spriteater feats

Use the following values with the 'givefeat [feat number]' code:

Neverwinter Nights Cheats Codes Pdf


Level Up Cheat Neverwinter Nights

    1976 (Devour Spirit 1)
    1977 (Devour Spirit 2)
    1978 (Devour Spirit 3)
    1979 (Devour Soul)
    1980 (Spirit Gorge)
    1981 (Ravenous Incarnation)
    1982 (Bestow Life Force)
    1983 (Suppress)
    1984 (Eternal Rest)
    1985 (Satiate)
    1986 (Mold Spirit)
    2050 (Malleate Spirit)
    2104 (Spiritual Evisceration)
    2125 (Provoke Spirits)